Oct 15, 2009

Day of the week in any year

to find the day of the week is very easy........

you just follow the following steps

step1: just divide last 2 digits of the year that you want to find the day of the week with 12

ex:2nd oct 2009


step2:divide the remainder with 4



step3:add all the values of steps1,2,&3


step4:divide the answer with 7,so simple then it is easy to calculate the date


remember the following days they are called doomsdays

1st write the even months and odd months

1,3,5,7,9,11 and 2,4,6,8,10,12

the even months start with the same no as the month are doomsdays

i.e ....4april,6thjune,8th august,10thoct,12thdecember are start in same day and

9th may--5thseptember

11thjuly--7thnovember are start in same day

these are called doomsdays and this days of the weeks are same.....

Dooms years table for u

1900-1999: wednessday

2000-2099: tuesday


by remembering these days you can easyly find day of the week

our ex:

2nd oct 2009

we calculate the day for that date that is 4

add the day with the current years doomsday

for 2000-2099:tuesday

so tuesday+4=saturday

so the 2009 s doomsday is saturday

we know from mentioned above 10th oct is doomsday ,,,so it is saturday

go 8 days back to the date you can find that date

i.e 3rd oct is saturday...so 2nd oct is friday

by using this technique ...you can find the day of the week in any year...so let us try..

for jan and feb the dooms days are

28th feb in normal year,29 in leap year

for jan 3rd jan is the doomsday.......

so u can amge your friends by this technique.....